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In caz de accident airbag-ul lui Ford Puma se desprinde de volan! Se opresc vanzarile

Este vorba de o problema cu sistemul SRS al masinilor Ford Puma construite la Craiova, masini care sunt conform statisticilor un real succes in Europa de Vest.

Cei de la Ford au spus ca pe anumite piete precum cea din Anglia sau Olanda vanzarea noului Ford Puma a FOST OPRITA pentru ca aceste modele sa nu fie implicate intr-un accident care poate duce la o lovitura de imagine marcii Ford in Europa.

Conform Ford Europe masina are probleme cu sistemul de prindere al airbag-urilor din fata, respectiv in caz de accident acesta se  declanseaza insa si se desprinde de volan sau plansa de bord.

Sursa Ford Europe: 

“Under certain conditions, it is possible that the airbag is not retained in the steering wheel after it has been deployed.The performance of the airbag in case of an accident with airbag deployment will still meet regulatory requirements and provides sufficient protection for the driver.

“Ford has issued a sales hold of all affected vehicles in dealer stock and will immediately exchange the airbag retention spring. A safety recall of all affected vehicles with customers will follow immediately.”

s s

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